Online School Management System
WHY Online School Management System
So, Why do we need a OSMS?
To better perform the school administrative activities of educational institute and to assure parents the real-time progress and security of their children, educational institutes utilizes School Management software nowadays. Such applications often offer many features that help to enhance the performance of schools with minimum efforts. School Management Software does it by avoiding the manual paper works and automation of many academic and administrative activities. We at SMAB Consultants have a clear vision how we can help a school manage a lot of tasks in one platform.
Benefits of OSMS
- Centralized Data Repository
- User Friendly Interface
- Information access everywhere
- Highly Scalable
- 24/7 Web Based Access to students
- Mobile Web Application available
- LMS System
- Automational Operation
- Record Keeping
- Chart Reports
- News Management System
- Event Management System
- Examination Record Management
- Maintenance Boarding
- Maintaining discipline records
- Students and Teachers Information
- Reminders or Voice Messaging
- Time Table Management
- Report Cards
- Fee Tracking and Online Payment
- Maintaining records of attendance
- Assignment Management
- School Activities Management
- Online Syllabus Upload
- Student Blogging Services
- Online Classes Services
- Login for Students & Teachers
- Courses and Batches Management
- Online Submission of Notes
- Online PTM